Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Your Zapier Premium trial ends tomorrow

Hey ani, Wade here

Your free 14-day trial of Zapier Premium ends tomorrow. But never fear! At the end, you'll be switched to the Zapier Free Plan. That means you get 5 Zaps, 100 Tasks per month, and updates every 15 minutes.

Any Zaps you have that exceed those limits—or that use our premium apps—will be automatically turned off unless you upgrade to a Premium Plan. Explore Zapier's Premium Plans

Thanks for trying Zapier!

Wade Foster, CEO of Zapier

P.S. If you didn't get the time to try Zapier over the past two weeks, but really wish you had, just email me back and we can extend your trial.

As always, if you'd rather not get emails like this, you can unsubscribe or change your email settings.

thanks for reading!

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