Tuesday, November 3, 2015

MongoDB Expands NoSQL Platform

DBTA 5 Minute Briefing: Information Management is a summary of key news and trends in the technologies that control, protect, deliver and enhance the value of data and information assets. To subscribe, visit here.
MongoDB Expands NoSQL Platform
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MongoDB Expands NoSQL Platform
November 3
MongoDB Expands NoSQL Platform
MongoDB Expands NoSQL Platform
MongoDB Expands NoSQL Platform

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MongoDB Expands NoSQL Platform

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In order to derive business value from Big Data, practitioners must have the means to quickly (as in sub-milliseconds) analyze data, derive actionable insights from that analysis, and execute the recommended actions. While Hadoop is ideal for storing and processing large volumes of data affordably, it is less suited to this type of real-time operational analytics, or Inline Analytics. For these types of workloads, a different style of computing is required. The answer is in-memory databases.

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In This Issue...
MongoDB Expands NoSQL Platform
MongoDB’s Newest Release Expands its NoSQL Platform to a Wider Audience
MongoDB Expands NoSQL Platform
Pivotal Cloud Platform Adds Support for Major Tools
MongoDB Expands NoSQL Platform
Hewlett Packard Enterprise Launches as Enterprise Technology Provider
MongoDB Expands NoSQL Platform
Oracle Unveils New Cloud Platform for Big Data
MongoDB Expands NoSQL Platform
Analytics Vendor Alteryx Receives $85 Million Investment Round for Expansion
MongoDB Expands NoSQL Platform
Dell Releases Free Version of Statistica Analytics Software
MongoDB Expands NoSQL Platform
4 Tips for DBAs Managing Multiple Databases
MongoDB Expands NoSQL Platform
News Flashes
MongoDB’s Newest Release Expands its NoSQL Platform to a Wider Audience
MongoDB is releasing an enhanced version of its platform, giving the company the opportunity to expand its capabilities to more users.  “We’re opening up MongoDB to a bigger audience in the enterprise, which is to say that traditionally the people that have used MongoDB were developers building modern applications and with this release we are building specific tools and capabilities targeted at data scientists, business analysts, and the C suite in terms of integration to business intelligence and visualization tools,” said Kelly Stirman, vice president of strategy and product marketing at MongoDB. “We’re also expanding MongoDB to DBAs and operations teams with specialized interfaces that make it easier to run MongoDB at any scale.”

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MongoDB Expands NoSQL Platform
Pivotal Cloud Platform Adds Support for Major Tools
Pivotal is releasing an update to its cloud platform that will expand support for Spring Cloud Services, Microsoft Azure, .NET applications, Docker images, and application lifecycle management. This new release of Pivotal Cloud Foundry, the comprehensive Cloud Native platform that unifies the software delivery process with an integrated application framework, platform runtime, and infrastructure automation, enables businesses to rapidly build, deploy, and operate Cloud Native applications on a wide choice of hosted, public, and private clouds.

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MongoDB Expands NoSQL Platform
Hewlett Packard Enterprise Launches as Enterprise Technology Provider
Following its separation from Hewlett-Packard Company, Hewlett Packard Enterprise made its debut yesterday as an enterprise technology provider with $53 billion in annual revenue and a comprehensive product portfolio. HP announced plans to separate into two new publicly traded companies a year ago with one including HP's enterprise technology infrastructure, software and services businesses, doing business as Hewlett-Packard Enterprise, and the other comprising HP's personal systems and printing businesses, operating as HP Inc. and retaining the current logo.

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MongoDB Expands NoSQL Platform
Oracle Unveils New Cloud Platform for Big Data
At Oracle OpenWorld 2015, Oracle announced new services - Oracle Big Data Preparation Cloud Service, Oracle GoldenGate Cloud Service, Oracle Big Data Discovery Cloud Service and Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service - that complement  its Big Data Cloud Service and Big Data SQL Cloud Service, to form a comprehensive portfolio of solutions for big data in the cloud.

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MongoDB Expands NoSQL Platform
Analytics Vendor Alteryx Receives $85 Million Investment Round for Expansion
Alteryx Inc., which specializes in blending and advanced analytics, is receiving $85 million from an investment round led by firms Iconiq Capital and Insight Venture Partners, along with Meritech Capital Partners. “Tools like Alteryx are really democratizing the way people work particularly when it comes to doing predicative statistical capabilities and be able to complement that with the data prep blending that is naturally happening in Alteryx today,” said  George Mathew, president and COO of Alteryx. “This generational shift is something that we are most excited by.”

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MongoDB Expands NoSQL Platform
Dell Releases Free Version of Statistica Analytics Software
Dell is releasing a free version of its Statistica advanced analytics software to all U.S. college students and professors, helping to boost interest in and preparedness for data analytics careers. “Today’s organizations, including institutions of higher education, depend on advanced technologies in security, data analytics and mobility to stay ahead of student and faculty needs,” said Jon Phillips, managing director of worldwide education strategy at Dell.

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MongoDB Expands NoSQL Platform
Think About It
4 Tips for DBAs Managing Multiple Databases
The DBA's role is becoming increasingly complex and now often involves managing data both on premise and in the cloud, and in a variety of database management systems including not only traditional relational systems such as Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL and others, but also new open source and NoSQL technologies, according to Gerardo Dada, vice president of product marketing, at SolarWinds. In a recent interview, Dada offered tips for how DBAs can keep up with the pace of data in business, particularly as they are faced with the need to adopt new data management approaches.

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MongoDB Expands NoSQL Platform

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