Tuesday, November 10, 2015

7 stories you shouldn't miss

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T-Mobile's 'Binge On' lets you stream video, leave your data untouched

T-Mobile's 'Binge On' lets you stream video, leave your data untouched

T-Mobile CEO John Legere is on a bit of a tear over in Los Angeles right now -- after doubling the amount of mobile data T-Mo customers will get as part of the carrier's Simple Choice Amped plans, he confirmed the existence of a Music Freedom-like feature for video services. [Read more...]
Apple Music on Android is near-identical to iOS, for better or worse

Apple Music on Android is near-identical to iOS, for better or worse

Steve Jobs once famously said that launching iTunes for Windows was "like giving a glass of ice water to somebody in hell." Well, Apple has a second glass ready today: the company just released a beta of Apple Music for Android, the first app that really gives Android users a taste of one of Apple's flagship services. [Read more...]
'MST3K' needs Kickstarter cash to make its comeback

'MST3K' needs Kickstarter cash to make its comeback

If there's a much-loved but commercially unsuccessful TV show with enough of a fanbase, then someone's probably tried to resurrect it on Kickstarter. [Read more...]
We hate Valve's Steam Controller because it's different

We hate Valve's Steam Controller because it's different

My stomach tied itself into a knot as I read the gaming community's first impressions of Valve's final Steam Controller. [Read more...]
Tim Cook warns UK government against weakening encryption

Tim Cook warns UK government against weakening encryption

Following the UK's Investigatory Powers Bill, which was released last week with new and extended surveillance powers for the government, Apple CEO Tim Cook has defended strong encryption. [Read more...]
Google Maps gets offline search and navigation

Google Maps gets offline search and navigation

Google Maps is a ridiculously useful app but that's assuming you've got a stable internet connection. [Read more...]
Doctor dubbed 'the father of cyborgs' tested implants in his own brain

Doctor dubbed 'the father of cyborgs' tested implants in his own brain

How far would you go to create a brain-controlled speech decoder? Doctor Philip Kennedy already helped blaze a trail in brain-computer interfaces back in the 80s. [Read more...]

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