Monday, November 2, 2015

7 stories you shouldn't miss

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Engadget Daily Roundup
A weekend with the new Apple TV

A weekend with the new Apple TV

The iPhone 6S and iPad Pro are cool and all, but the Apple gadget that I was most looking forward to this fall was the new Apple TV. [Read more...]
Anonymous says it's outing 1,000 prominent KKK members (updated)

Anonymous says it's outing 1,000 prominent KKK members (updated)

Anonymous is no stranger to risky internet activism, and its latest campaign is no exception to the rule. [Read more...]
Best Buy hopes same-day delivery will fend off Amazon

Best Buy hopes same-day delivery will fend off Amazon

Online retailers like Amazon are putting the pressure on brick-and-mortar retail spaces by offering cheap and speedy delivery of goods, with same-day -- and in some cases one-hour -- deliveries to metro areas around the country. [Read more...]
'Star Trek' (kinda) returns to TV in January 2017

'Star Trek' (kinda) returns to TV in January 2017

CBS has announced that it's going to make a brand new Star Trek TV series that'll begin airing in January 2017. [Read more...]
T-Mobile wants to put a mini LTE tower in your home

T-Mobile wants to put a mini LTE tower in your home

T-Mobile has done a fair amount to get LTE into every nook and cranny of its coverage map, but that doesn't matter much if there's still a cellular dead zone in your home or office. [Read more...]
Amazon tries to one-up Black Friday (again) with a 7-week sale

Amazon tries to one-up Black Friday (again) with a 7-week sale

Remember how Amazon trumped Black Friday with its Prime Day sale? No? We can't blame you -- the offerings were so modest that you had a better chance finding bargains at a garage sale. [Read more...]
Skype co-founders build delivery bot that rides on sidewalks

Skype co-founders build delivery bot that rides on sidewalks

While companies like Amazon and Google are betting on airborne drones for the future of delivery, two of the founders of Skype are taking a more pedestrian approach. [Read more...]

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