Thursday, January 7, 2016

7 stories you shouldn't miss

Engadget Email Newsletter

Engadget Email Newsletter

Vote for the Best of CES People's Choice award!

Vote for the Best of CES People's Choice award!

We've announced our Best of CES finalists so now it's time for you to cast your vote for your favorite gadget at CES 2016! Just head over here (or below) to pick your three favorite items from our pool of finalists. [Read more...]
Introducing the Best of CES 2016 finalists!

Introducing the Best of CES 2016 finalists!

Our editors have been on the ground for the better part of this week scouring every nook and cranny in Las Vegas to bring you the latest and greatest from CES 2016. [Read more...]
Three Vegas psychics predict the year in tech

Three Vegas psychics predict the year in tech

The idea hit me as I deleted yet another email from yet another eager publicist desperately seeking an outlet for their analyst client's technology predictions. [Read more...]
This is the first object 3D-printed from alien metal

This is the first object 3D-printed from alien metal

So-called "asteroid mining" company Planetary Resources is built on the belief that asteroids and other objects in space are loaded with resources that we can take advantage of, both here on Earth and as we begin to explore space in earnest. [Read more...]
Recon's HUD mask transfers your gaming skills to paintball

Recon's HUD mask transfers your gaming skills to paintball

Recon Instruments and Empire Paintball's paintball mask is fun to wear — and I didn't even get to shoot anyone. [Read more...]
What you missed on day three at CES

What you missed on day three at CES

Day three of CES wasn't quite as crazy as day two, but it was still a massive gadget overload. [Read more...]
What goes down at a Vegas drone rodeo?

What goes down at a Vegas drone rodeo?

The Mandalay Bay hotel and conference center sits toward the south end of the Las Vegas strip. [Read more...]

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