Thursday, March 17, 2016

Your Guide to DB2 Database Issues

Your Guide to DB2 Database Issues
Guide Database problems Your Guide to DB2 Database Issues THE C-LEVEL EMERGENCY GUIDE TO DATABASE PROBLEMS

As a top executive, the future of the company is literally in your hands, and there is a challenge coming your way: maybe it’s Black Friday/Cyber Monday, or open enrollment, or a viral tweet, or a new product that causes the world to stampede to you all at once. That challenge may be a few hours away – or a few weeks away, and because of that you owe it to yourself, your team and your company to make sure your database is ready and not take anyone’s word for it. This white paper will give you, the C-level executive, the key questions to ask, the key principles to grasp, and the best strategy for turning adversity into opportunity. 

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