Showing posts with label Loose Shunting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Loose Shunting. Show all posts

Monday, March 21, 2016

Meaning of सी/फा What is the meaning of Loose Shunting

Meaning of सी/फा Loose Shunting

     आपने अक्सर देखा होगा  कि रेलवे लाइन पर लगे बोर्ड पर   सी / फा 

 या   W / L  लिखा होता है  ,  सी/फा  का अर्थ है - सीटी फाटक 

और  W/L का अर्थ है - सीटी स्तर पार ( whistle level-crossing ) 

यह बोर्ड लगाने का अर्थ  / मकसद यह  है कि रेलवे ड्राइवर मुक्त रूप से 

सीटी बजायें,क्योकि  आगे मानव रहित फाटक है अर्थात  आगे आने 

वाले  फाटक पर रेल विभाग द्वारा कोई गेट और गेटमैन नही लगाया 

गया है , अतः ड्राइवर के लिए यह एक निर्देश बोर्ड है कि गाड़ी कि सिटी   

लगातार बजाते  रहे ताकि कोई दुर्घटना घटित ना हो।   

        जनहित में  विशेष विनती : -  आप जब भी किसी मानव रहित 

फाटक से गुजरे तो आपने वाहन से उतर कर पहले  रेलवे लाइन पर दोनों 

और देख कर सावधानी पूर्वक फाटक पार  करे।   

What is shunting in Indian Railways?

How many types of shunting are in the Indian Railways? In the context of railways, shunting means the movement of a vehicle or vehicles with or without an engine or of any engine or any other self-propelled vehicle, for the purpose of attaching, detaching or transfer or for any other purpose.

What Is A Shunter Driver  | Datawatch Stock  | Swe

What is railway shunter?

A switcher or shunter (Great Britain: shunter; Australia: shunter or yard pilot; United States: switcher, switch engine, or yard goat, except Pennsylvania Railroad: shifter) is a small railroad locomotive intended not for moving trains over long distances but rather for assembling trains ready for a road locomotive to ...

What is a shunter driver?

A shunter driver is the person who is responsible for maneuvering vehicles around a yard, onto loading bays etc. ... A banksman is the person who gives clear instructions using a hand signalling system to shunter drivers / LGV drivers when vehicles need to be moved around a company site.

Sap Hana Vora  | Meaning Of Aahan  | 

What is loose shunting?

Loose Shunting means allowing the train to move without an attached locomotive, maybe under its own weight or by momentum imparted to it by a loco which was disconnected before the rake came to a stop.

What is marshalling in railway?

Marshalling Yards. Advanced Transportation. Marshalling Yard is a place where goods trains are received, sorted, reformed and dispatched. A yard is a classifying and distributing machine with facilities for receiving, sorting and despatching wagons to their various destinations after the prescribed attention.

Meaning Of Loose  | Air Brake System In Indian Railways  | 

What stops a train?

Part of a railway signalling system, a train stop, trip stop or tripcock (sometimes called a tripper) is a train protection device that automatically stops a train if it attempts to pass a signal when the signal aspect and operating rules prohibit such movement, or (in some applications) if it attempts to pass at an ...

Image result for Loose Shunting

Loose Shunting

Loose Shunting means allowing the train to move without an attached locomotive, maybe under its own weight or by momentum imparted to it by a loco which was disconnected before the rake came to a stop.

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Rolling Stock

The term rolling stock in the rail transport industry refers to railway vehicles, including both powered and unpowered vehicles, for example locomotives, railroad cars, coaches, private railroad cars and wagons.

Shunting Master Work

Entries are to be entered in stabled load register and shall be signed by SM, Guard and Points man/Shunting Master 11. On completion of duty physically to be shown to the reliever the work done before leaving.

Shunting Of Blood

शंटिंग मीनिंग इन हिंदी  | Tripper Meaning In Hindi  | Shunting Meaning In Railway  | Pransi Meaning  | Locomotive Meaning In Hindi  | 

Shunting Of Train Meaning In Hindi ट्रेन का शंटिंग

भारतीय रेलवे देश की अर्थव्यवस्था की जीवनरेखा है। लोगों को अपने गंतव्य तक पहुंचाने के साथ ही ये माल ढुलाई का भी काम करती है। यदि रेलवे न हो तो देश के अलग-अलग हिस्सों में सामान पहुंचाना बहुत मुश्किल हो जाएगा। वैसे हम से शायद ही कोई ऐसा होगा, जिसने ट्रेन का सफर न किया हो और इस सफर के दौरान कई बार ट्रेन पर लिखे ढेर सारे शब्द भी देखे होंगे आपने। हालांकि, अक्सर उसका मतलब नहीं पता होता।

आपने कभी न कभी मालगाड़ी भी देखी ही होगी और उस पर एक वाक्य लिखा होता है “नॉट टू बी लूज़ शंटेड’’ क्या आप जानते हैं कि ये क्यों लिखा होता है और इसका मतलब क्या है? नहीं, तो चलिए हम बता देते हैं।

दरअसल, भारत में जानवरों के साथ ही लिक्विड और गैस को भी मालगाड़ी के ज़रिए एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान भेजा जाता है। आमतौर पर “नॉट टू बी लूज़ शंटेड’’ वाक्य उन माल डिब्बों पर लिखा होता है जिनमें खतरनाक और स्थानांतरित करने वाले पदार्थ भेजे जाते हैं, जैसे- पाइप्स, वाहन, पशु, तेल, डीज़ल, पेट्रोल व अन्य ज्वलनशील पदार्थ।

Loose Shunting Meaning In Hindi  | W/L Means In Railway Signal In Hindi  | Manav Rahit Railway Crossing Means  | 

Shunting Signal In Railway

A shunt signal may be placed on its own post or on the same post as a stop signal. ... A shunt signal has two indications; when on the indication of the stop signal applies, and when off, the indication is Proceed Slow for Shunting, which allows a loco to proceed past the signal with caution for shunting purposes

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Types Of Shunting In Railway

Loose shunting means vehicles being pushed by an loco and being allowed to run forward unattached (uncoupled). It includes hump shunting. Cranes, vehicles carrying passengers, workers, explosives, dangerous goods, livestock or any other specified vehicles should not be loose shunted.

What Is Shunting In Railway In Hindi

 सी/फा का मतलब  | सी फा का मतलब  | Meaning Of W/L On Railway Track  | सी/फा रेलवे  | Bajao Meaning  | Wisal Meaning In Hindi  | 

How railway driver blows whistle - IRCTC Login

Indian Railways. It stands for "Whistle for Level Crossing". Sometimes it is written only as a "W" which means 'whistle'. There is also a Hindi equivalent for it "सी/फा" whichmeans "Seeti Bajao - Phatak". 
Amount of air pressure in the engine and brake van of a passenger train at the starting station shall be 5.0 kg/cm2 and ______. ... Sound of two hooters means .... सी सी रेक वाली मालगाड़ी म थान टेशन
 On a square yellow board, W/L is painted in black which stands for"Whistle for Level Crossing." These boards are mostly seen about 250 m away from level crossings which are unmanned or those crossing where the view is unclear or restricted. In Hindi it is written as "See-Pha (सी / फा )" which means ...

 पर. ---. -----. --- .... िसगनल साई टग समीित अपनी संयु रपोट----------------- फाम पर डी आर एम को भेजगा ।
Yellow boards for us mean its a temporary slow order because of bad track ahead, which is 2 miles from the yellow board. We will have paper work on it telling us the speed to go over it and you cant go back to normal speed till entire train has passed over the slow order
Signs & Symbols. Q. What do the various symbols found by railway tracks mean? .... The 'W' is a general whistle indicator while the 'W/L' stands for Whistle for Level Crossing. The latter is also .... For delayed signals which require a train to stop before they clear, a board may say, 'Driver to pull up to signal if it is at on' or something similar. The stop position ..... S.I., Signal Installation incorrect. S.O., Signal ...